CPA Newsletter October 2019: Climate Crisis Digest - A New Epoch in Facing Difficult Truths

Good news that over 250 media outlets have pledged to focus on climate crisis...

CPA Newsletter Sept 2019: Making Connections (and welcome to the New Zealand Climate in Mind Initiative)

...recognising and understanding the disconnections which maintain our sleepwalk into the disasters of ecocide and climate disruption ...climate psychologists are the forensic psychiatrists of the climate movement

CPA Newsletter July 2019: Future in the balance

The Anthropocene is the most important descriptor of our epoch. Our understanding of this and climate psychology’s response are both evolving constantly. The basics, so eloquently explained in Clive Hamilton’s Defiant Earth, are increasingly self-evident: we humans are now an Earth system in our own right, operating invasively and destructively, with limited and reducing choice as to outcome.

CPA Newsletter June 2019: You can't declare an emergency and then act like nothing has happened

 Some resistant cultural complexes are themed in this newsletter:

CPA Newsletter May 2019: Polly Higgins

We are devastated to have lost International Earth lawyer, friend and colleague Polly Higgins who died on Easter Sunday 2019 after a short illness.

About Us

We are a diverse community of therapeutic practitioners, thinkers, researchers, artists and others. We believe that attending to the psychology and emotions of the climate and ecological crisis is at the heart of our work.


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