Climate Crisis Digest - July 2024 - The Climate Crisis is an Intergenerational Social Justice Issue

My positionality

I often begin training on anti-discriminatory practice by citing the multiple privileged positions I occupy within ‘the matrix of oppression’.[1] I typically name that I’m white, heterosexual, male, financially secure, and lucky to have been born with cognitive and physical abilities that support me in navigating an ableist society. Read More  

Climate Crisis Digest - June 2024 - How to Teach in a Burning World: A Summary by Wendy Hollway

The Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators is subtitled ‘How to Teach in a Burning World’. Just published,[1] Read More  

Climate Crisis Digest - April 2024 - "Don't Look Down!"

In "Views of the Apocalypse" (Orion, Winter 2019), Lisa Wells, author of the biographical work Believers, reports paying attention to her repeated experience of falling down various stairways. She finds herself thinking about Freud’s notion of parapraxis, where something internal emerges through a crack into the everyday but in an alien form, subject to immediate denial.  Read More

Climate Crisis Digest - March 2024 - What Has Gaza got to Do With the Climate Crisis?

Three News Items and Liberal Western Complicity

It is Saturday the 17th February and in my newspaper I am reading that the first weeks of 2024 have shattered global temperature records, reaching an average 2C° of warming above pre-industrial levels. The Paris commitment to limit increases to 1.5C° already seems like a distant memory. But there are two other news items, equally disturbing. 

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We are a diverse community of therapeutic practitioners, thinkers, researchers, artists and others. We believe that attending to the psychology and emotions of the climate and ecological crisis is at the heart of our work.


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