
Climate Psychology Handbook

Welcome to the CPA Handbook of Climate Psychology!

Our aims in this handbook are to develop shared understandings of what is meant by ‘climate psychology’ and to provide a valuable online resource.

The Handbook of Climate Psychology offers short explanations of key concepts, their importance to Climate Psychology and links to further reading or resources. We recommend you start with the introduction to Climate Psychology and then browse the other entries as your interest takes you.

The Handbook of Climate Psychology is an ongoing project with many authors working in collaboration.​​ There is no individual authorship of entries or of the Handbook as a whole. It is a CPA Handbook: an unfolding work of ‘the commons’. We hope new entries will be produced by other members and it will continue to grow.

Click here (climatepsychologyalliance.org) to download the pdf in English.

Click here (climatepsychologyalliance.org) to download the pdf in Italian.


About Us

We are a diverse community of therapeutic practitioners, thinkers, researchers, artists and others. We believe that attending to the psychology and emotions of the climate and ecological crisis is at the heart of our work.


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